How Can I Stop My Partner from Snoring?


You love your partner, but you could do without the snoring. It is loud and annoying, and unless something changes, separate bedrooms are in your future. Keep the love alive by helping your partner with his or her snoring. Then, you can continue to sleep in the same (quiet) room.

Here are two options to help with snoring prevention…First, advocate for some lifestyle changes, and second, consider a dental device.

Lifestyle Changes to Stop Snoring

While no one wants to snore, many people do because of certain behaviors or conditions. For instance, someone who is overweight is more likely to snore than someone who is at a normal weight. If your partner is overweight, help him or her lose weight to curb the snoring. Don’t make it a chore, though. Make healthy living a part of your life together. Go on hikes and enjoy healthy meals together. Engage in a sport. There are many things you can do to help your partner lose weight.

Alcohol consumption can also cause people to snore. This doesn’t apply only to severe alcohol consumption, which may need an equally serious intervention and treatment plan, but to the timing of light consumption. Cutting down on the drinks, or not drinking anything alcoholic after a certain hour may help. Try it and see. Seek other help if needed.

Another cause of snoring might be sleep apnea. Learn more about sleep apnea, its dangers, and its treatments.

If adjustments in behavior aren’t enough, you could ask your dentist about something called a mandibular advancement device. These devices help people who snore for a variety of reasons.

Get a Mandibular Advancement Device

Mandibular advancement devices go right into the mouth and open up the airway. This makes it much easier for people to breathe when they sleep. If your partner is still snoring after undergoing behavior modifications, have him or her make a dental appointment. Then, the dentist will fit your partner with a device that should fix the snoring problem. You can also send your partner off to the dentist during the behavior modification process. After all, care from several helping professionals may be the best – and most effective – solution of all.

You don’t have to spend the rest of your life listening to snoring. From behavior modification to dental devices, there is an answer out there for your partner. Then, you can finally enjoy a restful night’s sleep next to the person you love.

Mint Dental professionals deliver state-of-the-art dental care, using leading edge technology. With the help of an entire team, the doctors focus on treatments that meet individual needs and preventive care, with a goal of your healthy smile in mind. Contact us, today!

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