How to Protect Young Athletes From Dental Injuries


If your child plays on sports teams, the chances are that in addition to health and fitness issues, injuries are on your mind. Many parents don’t realize that injuries to the mouth and teeth occur most frequently among athletes. If your child plays sports, it is vital that his or her smile be protected for both health reasons and aesthetics. 

Common Sports-Related Dental Injuries

  • Knocked Out Tooth When a tooth is knocked out in a sports injury, time is vital to saving the tooth, so it’s important to go to your dentist or emergency room as quickly as possible. There is typically a 30-minute window of opportunity in which the tooth can be put back in the socket. Do not attempt to implant the tooth on your own. Transport the tooth in cold milk. If milk is not available, use saline, saliva, or water. It is imperative that the tooth not be allowed to dry out. Never wrap the tooth, and try to avoid touching the root.
  • Chipped/Cracked Tooth In cases in which a tooth has been chipped or cracked, your dentist may use an X-ray to determine the most appropriate treatment. In cases in which there is a serious chip in which the pulp of the tooth is exposed, it is vital that you get to the dentist as quickly as possible. For cracked or chipped teeth, it may be feasible to repair the tooth with bonding. In some cases, the nerve of the tooth may be affected, which may require a more complicated treatment.
  • Displaced Tooth  In the event a tooth is moved because of trauma, you should see your dentist as quickly as possible. Do not attempt to move the tooth back into place on your own. Ice may be applied to alleviate any discomfort before you can see the dentist.

Preventing Sports-Related Dental Injuries

Among the best methods of preventing injury to your child’s mouth and teeth is to require him or her to wear a mouthguard. Many young athletes don’t like to wear mouthguards. Fortunately, it doesn’t take long to become comfortable wearing a mouthguard. A proper fit will help. Custom mouthguards are built to fit your mouth and your mouth alone. Your dentist can assist you in deciding which option is the best for your child’s specific needs. If he or she wears braces, a special mouthguard will be necessary.

Custom mouthguards are built to fit an individual mouth. A sports dentist can assist you in deciding which option is the best for your child’s specific needs. If he or she wears braces, a special mouthguard will be necessary.

Mint Dental professionals deliver state-of-the-art dental care, using leading-edge technology. With the help of an entire team, the doctors focus on treatments that meet individual needs and preventive care, with a goal of your healthy smile in mind. Contact us, today!

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