Snoring Prevention

For many people, snoring is simply a part of life. While it might be a common problem, snoring could also be an indicator of significant health issues. It is estimated that in North America, approximately 80 million people snore. Snoring affects the quality of sleep of not only the individual but also family members and loved ones. The good news is that chronic snoring can be treated.

What are the causes of snoring?

Several factors can contribute to snoring. In most cases, snoring happens when the soft tissues and muscles in the mouth and throat relax thereby decreasing the size of the air passage. As the space in the airway becomes constricted, it becomes more difficult for the individual to breathe. When breath does manage to make its way through the air passage, it moves over the soft tissues and muscles in the throat and mouth, resulting in a vibrating sound. Other factors that can cause snoring include:

  • Excess body weight
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Certain sedatives or sleep aids
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

An effective solution to snoring is a Mandibular Advancement Device.

How Does the Mandibular Advancement Device Work?

For individuals who suffer from snoring, the Mandibular Advancement Device, or MAD, can help you and your loved ones to get a better night’s sleep. MAD is a specially designed dental device that works to keep the mandible, or lower jaw, in the correct forward position increasing the amount of space in the air passage. Not only are you able to breathe better, but you are also able to sleep better and quieter. Some types of dental devices are also available to prevent the tongue from falling into your windpipe. Everyone’s situation is different, and your dentist will be able to recommend the right appliances to meet your specific needs.

Among the most common questions about MAD is whether it is comfortable. The short answer to this is that yes, it is. In fact, this device is designed so that you can get a full night’s sleep without even noticing it. If you suffer from snoring due to allergies or sinus congestion, MAD can also help. During the first few mornings after wearing MAD, you might notice a slight stiffness in the jaw. This is only temporary and will go away after the device is removed.

To find out more about MAD, schedule an appointment.


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