What’s So Great About Digital X-Rays?


If you’ve been to the dentist lately, you might have noticed that your dentist is really excited about digital x-rays. In fact, dentists can’t seem to stop talking about this technology. What’s so great about it, though? Is it as good for the patient as it is for the dentist?

In a word, yes. Patients benefit just as much as dentists do when it comes to this groundbreaking technology.

You Are a Part of Your Treatment Plan

You’ve probably heard (or experienced) some dental horror stories. Back in the old days, patients sat in dental chairs and accepted whatever their dentists threw their way. If the dentist said you needed a root canal, you got a root canal. If the dentist said a tooth needed to go, away it went. This loss of power was frightening for patients.

Digital x-rays put the power back in the patient’s hands. It only takes seconds to capture the image and then your dentist can show it to you and talk about what they see. As you look at the x-ray, he or she will go over your treatment options. You don’t have to put all of your trust in the dentist. Instead, you just have to trust what your own eyes tell you. This makes it much easier to discuss your own dental care and possible treatment plans.

Comfort Takes Center Stage

Let’s be honest here. You probably have never been very comfortable during traditional x-rays. You have to bite down to take the x-ray, and that can lead to cramping and even cutting. On the other hand, digital x-rays are taken with a small sensor aimed at or set inside your mouth. Another plus is that the technician gets immediate visual results so that the process can go quickly and smoothly, eliminating the need for lots of “retakes.”  That isn’t possible with traditional x-rays.

Digital x-rays are worth getting excited about, whether you are a patient or a dentist. This technology is changing the way patients receive dental care. If you like comfortable care that you’re a part of, this technology is right for you.

Mint Dental professionals deliver state-of-the-art dental care, using leading edge technology. With the help of an entire team, the doctors focus on treatments that meet individual needs and preventive care, with a goal of your healthy smile in mind. Contact us, today!

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