How to Overcome Dental Anxiety With Oral Sedation


The idea of going to the dentist makes you a little nervous, but the thought of letting your dental problems go on without being fixed is even more worrisome. With that in mind, you have likely given some thought to oral sedation dentistry. Just how does it work, though? Will it calm you down enough so you can get your dental treatment without any problems?

An Inside Look at Sedation Dentistry

If you undergo sedation dentistry, your dentist will give you medication so you can relax. You have two main options for oral sedation.

  • If you just need to take the edge off during a procedure, you will likely require minimal sedation. Your dentist will give you something to help you relax, but you will still be alert. This is a great way to relax while maintaining control.
  • If you require something more, consider moderation sedation. You are still awake with this type of sedation, but it is common to slur your words. Also, you probably won’t be able to recall much of the procedure afterward.

In both cases, you will be given a pill that is part of the Valium family. The dosage you receive will depend on the type of sedation that your dentist is trying to achieve. You will be given the pill before the procedure, and your dentist will wait until the sedation takes effect to move forward.

What if Oral Sedation Isn’t Enough?

If you think you need more than Valium, there are other sedation methods available. You can also get nitrous oxide or an IV to make it through the procedure. Speak with your dentist to find out which type of sedation is right for you.

There is no longer a reason to be afraid of the dentist. Now, you can pop a pill at the dentist’s office and completely relax. Then, the dentist can get to work and help you have a beautiful smile.

Mint Dental professionals deliver state-of-the-art dental care, using leading edge technology. With the support of an entire team, the doctors focus on treatments that meet individual needs and preventive care, with a goal of your healthy smile in mind. Contact us, today!

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