Are Dental Implants The Best Replacement Teeth for You?


As we age, so do our teeth. Sometimes even the best care – brushing, flossing, regular checkups – can’t stop the process. If you have lost a tooth or a few teeth, dental implants can help fix your smile. Implants feel and look just like your natural teeth and can last a lifetime.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a synthetic tooth root shaped like a post and typically made of titanium; through surgery, when completed, this “root” will be surgically placed into the jawbone. After surgery, an artificial tooth will be fixed to the post. You can choose between a permanent or removable implant. As they are more stable and feel more natural, we recommend permanent implants. You do not have to worry too much about potential complications. Titanium, utilized in many knee and hip replacements, is well-suited to pair with human bone.

Not everyone is a prime candidate for this procedure. The perfect implant candidate is a non-smoker with good oral hygiene, healthy gums without disease, and a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw. You can choose from single or multiple implants.

Implants offer versatility. For those missing a single tooth, one implant will typically do the trick. A few strategically placed implants can be used as a bridge for several missing teeth. If you have lost all of your teeth, we can use a strategic number of implants to create a permanent full-bridge or full set of dentures.

What is a Mini-Implant?

A mini-implant is comprised of a small titanium implant that functions as the root of your natural tooth. At the top of the implant is a retaining fixture that is fitted into a corresponding fixture over your denture. This connection creates a more stable and comfortable denture, giving you the ability to enjoy eating and speaking without worry.

Why Choose Mini-Implants?

  • Bone structure. To be a good candidate for a regular dental implant, you must have enough bone structure in which the implant can be placed. Less space is required with a mini-implant, which makes it possible to use mini-implants in sites where there is not sufficient bone present.
  • Procedure. Placing mini-implants is often much less time-consuming and easier than with regular dental implants. A full-size implant may require several months for full healing to allow a dental restoration, whereas a mini-implant is capable of supporting a denture immediately. Patients typically find that the procedure required to place mini-implants is relatively pain-free and quite simple.
  • Recovery. The recovery time is usually only one or two days. Any required modifications to the denture can be made on the same day on which the implants are placed, allowing you to begin wearing your new implants immediately.

Consider the replacement teeth to be as free of limits as your natural teeth. They require the same upkeep: daily brushing, daily flossing, and regular checkups. Just like with natural teeth, your actions can determine the replacement’s lifespan. The more care and attention you pay to these teeth, the longer they will last.

Mint Dental professionals deliver state-of-the-art dental care, using leading edge technology. With the support of an entire team, the doctors focus on treatments that meet individual needs and preventive care, with a goal of your healthy smile in mind. Contact us, today!

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