What If Your Child Has a Dental Emergency?


As every parent knows, pediatric dental emergencies are nothing to take lightly. A child in any kind of distress is a disturbing event for everyone. You want to do the right thing. If your emergency happens after hours, call the emergency number of your dental practice for instructions. You will also need to take action during the dental emergency. 

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Are Dental Implants The Best Replacement Teeth for You?


As we age, so do our teeth. Sometimes even the best care – brushing, flossing, regular checkups – can’t stop the process. If you have lost a tooth or a few teeth, dental implants can help fix your smile. Implants feel and look just like your natural teeth and can last a lifetime.

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What Is the Difference Between a General Dentist and a Specialist?


If you’re like most people, you know that general dentists and specialists are different, but you don’t know why. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two so you know which one is right for your next appointment.

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How Dangerous Is Sleep Apnea?


If you have sleep apnea, you might avoid wearing your CPAP mask (continuous positive airway pressure) as often as you should. If so, you probably don’t follow other doctor’s orders about your treatment. The mask can be uncomfortable and it is kind of a pain to have to take it on all your trips. After all, sleep apnea can’t be that dangerous, right?

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